156C: 1960’s lighthouse “boy and girl go to big city” “department store” escalator

Only story I remember from a book of stories I received in the 1st or 2nd grade, mid to late 1960’s.  A hardcover book with color illustrations, about a boy and girl, lighthouse keeper’s children, who go with Mom to a big city department store with an escalator.  No title, author or publisher.


2 thoughts on “156C: 1960’s lighthouse “boy and girl go to big city” “department store” escalator

  1. Carmen

    Did these kids also marvel at a luncheonette place where they put money in and opened a little door to get food? I remember the boy or girl being unhappy a man had taken a piece of pie they wanted. They were surprised to see that, minutes later, there was another piece in the little compartment.

  2. Suzanne

    Hi Carmen,

    Yes, now that I think of it. The children were in a luncheonette like the old Horn and Hardart – with the coin-operated food doors. And I remember the part about the pie.
    Do you remember anything else about the book? It would be great if you remembered the author, publisher or other details.

    I’m so glad that someone else remembers the book. It was very special to me.


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