360Y: “Lead us to you Sarah!” or “Keep knocking Sarah!”

I read the book in the late ’90s? I had to have been in the 5th grade. I read a lot of paranormal books around that time! The book itself might have been a collection of ghost stories.  I don’t think it was “Stories to Tell in the Dark,” but I could be wrong.  All I know is that this particular story stuck with me for over twenty-five years.

A family moves into a house with their daughter. Could be just a single mom. The house was purchased after the woman who lived in it before passed. Soon after they move in the daughter starts having nightmares or is getting sick. She starts to talk about the ghost of a girl.

A medium is eventually called in and he holds a seance. The ghost’s name is Sarah (or Sara) and he asks that she knock to answer questions. Eventually, it is discovered that she is in on the property. With the knocks, she leads them to her resting place. “Keep Knocking Sarah!” or “Lead us to you Sarah!” is shouted by the medium. Her coffin is found behind the wall of the closet or the wall of the girl’s bedroom. Sarah is moved and buried next to her mother.


2 thoughts on “360Y: “Lead us to you Sarah!” or “Keep knocking Sarah!”

  1. Gill

    There are similarities with ‘The Cellar’ by Ken Radford, pub 1989.

    The ghost wanting her mother is Sarah Jane, the girl is called Siân. However the bones are found in the cellar, and there’s no medium.


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