341I: Generations of Sleep Rituals (Solved!)

I had an illustrated picture book about a little girl being tucked in by her mom and learning about how the generations before her did the same thing. She lives in a house, the family has a car, and a swing and her bedroom is upstairs and at bedtime her mom turns out the light and goes downstairs and the girl can hear the wind in the trees and the grownups talking downstairs.  She asks her mom what this was like for her when she was a little girl and it’s all the same except the house, car, swing, lamp, etc are all different but the experience is really similar, then they do it for her grandmother, same thing again. You see the different houses, and kinds of swings, they turn out lights, lanterns, candles, etc. The cover was like a page from a photo album with a taupe background with different.

6 thoughts on “341I: Generations of Sleep Rituals (Solved!)

  1. PepperAnne

    I’m looking for this book, too! When did you read it? I had it in the late ’90s/early 2000s but wasn’t sure if it was published earlier.

      1. PepperAnne

        Thanks for letting me know, that really helps! I’ll definitely write back here if I find it and I hope you’ll do the same!

          1. PepperAnne

            I asked around in a few different places last year with no responses, but someone just got back to me with what I think is the right book! It’s “The Sky was Blue,” written by Charlotte Zolotow, illustrated by Garth Williams, and published in 1963.
            It’s definitely the book I was looking for, so I am assuming it is the one you were looking for, too! Let me know if you think it’s the right book!

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