313U: Mer-folk and a Stormy Dance Night

The short story I am looking for was from a compilation of stories, probably a compilation of spooky stories. Not sure whether it was set in the United States or the United Kingdom. I think it was the UK.  I read it a few years ago; it was about an island that belongs to the mer-folk/ sea beings. The island lies off a coastal town which connect to the mainland via jetty/pier and build a dancehall on it. The mer-folk throw up a huge storm on a dance night and separate the island from the mainland once again. They claim back their island. There was good description of the storm and its effect on the dancers I think. I would love to read it again.

1 thought on “313U: Mer-folk and a Stormy Dance Night

  1. David

    Thank you for The Floating Cafe suggestion. I’ll ask the library to get me a copy so it’ll be a while till I know. I’ll let you know. Fingers crossed.


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