188B: Sleeping Beauty, bad faerie, marble-like wings

The only things I can remember from the fairytale book, were that the illustrations were amazing! But I can’t seem to find it through my searching. The specific illustrations I can remember were Cinderella, where the men were made from lizards, the horse were mice, or it might have been the other way round. I think there were other animals or maybe insects used too but I can’t remember. I remember that the men kind of looked like the animals they were transformed from, and the horses too. The dress was huge and ruffled and I remember her hair was huge too, like Marie Antoinette style. And I just remember the intricate details and lots of use of colour. Also, if I remember right I think it was a silk slipper not a glass slipper.

And my favourite and most memorable was the sleeping beauty illustrations. I remember being totally fascinated with the wings of the faeries, they are the most beautiful illustrations of wings I have ever seen. The bad faerie’s wings were kind of marbled, with lots of different colours, kind of like how petrol or oil on water looks if that makes sense? Or like the marbled colours of a bubble. I also think the good faeries wings might have been marbled like that too, but with lighter or softer colours maybe?

I had this book in the early 90’s but it could possibly have been older than that. I don’t remember the book cover or what other stories were in this book. But I do believe one of the stories was called something like ‘The tramp and his nail soup’ Which was a story about a tramp who convinces some woman to let him stay at her house for the night with the promise to make the most delicious soup she’s ever tasted from this nail he has in his pocket. He ends up tricking her by saying stuff like “this would be even better if you had some carrots?” Etc until he has lots of ingredients in the soup to make it delicious. However I am slightly nervous that, that story may have been from another fairytale book, so don’t necessarily rely on that info.

The illustrations are similar in style to Edmund Dulac or Arthur Rackham, but actually I think they’re a lot better.

It could also be possible that different stories are illustrated by different artists.

I’ve been trying to find it for years to no avail. I have just had a daughter and I desperately want to get this book for her. Please, please, PLEASE help!

2 thoughts on “188B: Sleeping Beauty, bad faerie, marble-like wings

  1. Genevieve

    That sounds like a collection of fairy tales titled A Fairy Tale Treasure Trove, illustrated by John Patience. His Cinderella has the Marie Antoinette hair that you describe. Also, the lizards turn to footmen gradually, so that we see a bunch of intermediate steps between lizard and man. (That’s my favorite picture.)

    1. Carmen

      Oh my god! When I looked that book up the cover was so familiar, I definitely had that book! I searched cinderella and I saw an image of her dress and knew immediately it was definitely the cinderella I remember. I forgot how beautiful her dress was with all the marbling! However I searched sleeping beauty and saw no images of the faerie wings I remember. However I’m quite confident this is the one. I’ve ordered it and will let you know for sure if it is. I may also have gotten confused and put 2 different books together in my head, and sleeping beauty might not have been in the same book? But the marbling on Cinderella’s dress looks like it is the same artist so I’m hoping it definitely is the book I’m looking for. If it is you have no idea what level of joy you have brought to my life I will literally cry as I look through those pages. Knowing that something that I treasured so much will be present through my daughters childhood.

      Thank you! I will keep you informed! X


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