372M: Alliterated Named- Animals

Hi, I’m searching for the name of a series of children’s books I read in the 1960s and 1970s. I don’t remember much about them except that all the characters were animals
and they had alliterated names.  There was a firefly in the books. The coverwas very cute. These books gave me a lifelong love of reading. I was in grade 5 at the time, going to school in Hull, Quebec, Canada. The books were in English. Unfortunately that’s all I remember.

7 thoughts on “372M: Alliterated Named- Animals

  1. Ann

    Possibly Arthur Scott Bailey’s books for young children, from the 1940s and earlier. He wrote lots of books in a few series: Sleepy Time Tales; Slumber Town Tales; Tuck-Me-In Tales. All featured animals. Not all were alliterative (e.g. The Tale of Jolly Robin; The Tale of Solomon Owl) but many were: e.g. The Tale of Henrietta Hen; The Tale of Bobby Bobolink; and. yes, The Tale of Freddie Firefly.

    1. Ann

      Other possibilities that occur to me include P.D. Eastman and Syd Hoff. Eastman wrote some animal story books, one of which was called ‘Sam and the Firefly’. Hoff wrote quite a large number of books, including ‘Lengthy’ (about a dog), ‘Julius’ (about a gorilla), ‘Oliver’ (about an elephant), ‘Sammy the Seal’, ‘The Horse in Harry’s Room’, ‘Albert the Albatross’, etc. I don’t remember on about a firefly, however.

  2. Denise

    Thanks for your suggestion. I looked up that author and it’s not him. I remember the cover of the books were really cute and pretty sure the main character, the mouse, was depicted on the cover.


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