362C: Timothy Tiger

I’m writing on behalf of my father in law. He is welcoming a new grandchild soon and wants to find a book from his own childhood to give to the new baby. He says:
“I was born in 1951 and I was given a child’s book – I’m sure that Timothy Tiger was in the title and the story had something to do with gaining courage and some kind of deed that he performed by going out into a stormy night to find his courage. Any help you can provide will be most appreciated! Thank you”

2 thoughts on “362C: Timothy Tiger

  1. MamaSquirrel

    Is it possible you’re recalling two separate books? Timothy Tiger is about the search for a mother (check out the earliest edition with glowing eyes); but there’s also Pitty Pat the Fuzzy Cat, about a fearful kitty who is caught in a storm.


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