357H: The Monster Encyclopedia

I don't know the name of it. It was a book of black and white sketch like drawings of different pretend monsters, but not cryptids. They may have been monsters that looked like household objects, one of them was possibly a coat hanger type thing. Each page had a description of a monster and then a black and white picture/sketch of them. It was definitely published before 2015 and was meant for either children or preteens.

4 thoughts on “357H: The Monster Encyclopedia

  1. Kirsten Donaldson Wheal

    I wondered if it might have been *Flanimals* by Ricky Gervais, but the illustrations for that are in colour.

  2. Kelly W

    There was a similar book in my library that has since been discarded. I thought it was called The Book of Monsters, or possibly just Monsters. I don’t remember the author, but I know the name started with either O or P…and I’m leaning towards O. Ostereen? Osteen? Something like that. There were actually two books, with similar premises and titles. Good luck!


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