124C: Mrs. someone’s Cake Shop

This is a book that my mom read to me when I was a little girl in the late 80’s, early 90’s.  I think it was called something like “Mrs. ______’s Cake Shop” (or possible Bake Shop) although I’m not sure and haven’t found anything by searching with those keywords.

I remember that it was about a lady who had a cake shop with all different kinds of cakes. The illustrations were really cute and it talked about how she made big cakes, and little cakes, and short cakes, and tall cakes….The illustrations showed cakes of all colors and sizes sitting on different platters. Some cakes had frosting and were very fancy, others had no frosting. Some were little like cupcakes and had pink frosting (I think) with cherries on them.

I think the story continued with her boxing up a cake, or several cakes, that she was going to deliver somewhere. As she is walking along with her cakes, it starts to rain. I think she didn’t bring her umbrella with her because she was holding all the cakes, or there is something about her umbrella in the story, but I’m not sure if its a main part of the story or not.

And that’s all I can remember!

This was one of my favorite books as a little girl and I can still remember the illustrations of all the little cakes in my mind but I just can’t seem to remember the title or how the rest of the story goes.



3 thoughts on “124C: Mrs. someone’s Cake Shop

  1. Jen the Librarian

    Sounds like MISS MOPP’S LUCKY DAY by Leslie McGuire, Parents Magazine Press, 1981. Miss Mopp is going to deliver her cakes to the bakery, but it looks like rain, so she returns home to get her umbrella. This saves her cakes since there are hungry animals waiting in the woods to steal her cakes.

  2. Jen

    MISS MOPP’S LUCKY DAY by Leslie McGuire, Parents Magazine Press. The need for an umbrella saves Miss Mopp’s cakes from being devoured by the hungry animals lying in wait for Miss Mopp to pass by.

  3. Amaryah

    That’s it! Miss Mopp’s Lucky Day! Thank you so much for solving my mystery! Does loganberry books by chance have a copy?


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