344X: Secret Pointe Shoes

I had a flash of a memory of a childhood book.  I have googled and googled but can’t find it, and it is driving me crazy!!!  So here goes the parts I remember:

It was a book about girls, not sure how many, that take ballet classes at a studio which I think was located in a mall or a strip mall.  Rival studio that is fancier is a possibility but more vague memory of that so could be wrong.  One of the girls sees a pair of pointe shoes in the store that are an unusual color, maybe purple?  And she decides she wants to get them and learn how to use them, but she does it in secret because her ballet teacher says she is not at all ready to start with pointe.  There is something that makes her feel like she is less than the other girls and that leads her to use the pointe shoes in secret.  I think she even ruins her feet and ballet progress in the process.  I also want to say that it is a part of a series, either a ballet series or as a ballet focused book in a larger series.  Also very good chance it was a book fair book , I got a lot of books that way.

3 thoughts on “344X: Secret Pointe Shoes

  1. DB

    Possibly the No Way Ballet series by Suzanne Weyn. The studio is definitely at a mall (I think the class actually performs in the mall at some point in the series.)

    1. Katy

      Possibly could be Pointing Toward Trouble by Suzanne Weyn from this series. (“Hoping to impress an older ballet student and gain the attention of her busy parents, eleven-year-old Emma lies about her ability to dance on pointe.”)

  2. Kate

    Possibly Jillian on Her Toes by Emily Costello. I’m 99% sure I read the first two books in this series (Ballet School series) back in the 1990s but they seem to have been republished with new covers in 2016.


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