333U: A Three Star Bear or The Three Star Bear, maybe even Three Star Bear

What the story is about is a little bear, who is always good and always on the right side of everything, receives three stars and then brags to his friends – a raccoon, a rabbit, and I don’t remember the others.  But his friends get tired of the bragging and say something not very nice, so he decides to be a bad bear instead.  I think he ties the raccoon’s fur in knots.  But in the end, he fixes everything and learns his lesson.  It was maybe a 20-page book with illustrations on every page.

The front of the book has the little bear walking through the woods.  Kind of pink or peach border around the picture.  The picture is just black and white, no color.  The little bear looks a lot like the bear in the stories of “Little Bear” by Else Holmelund Minarik; however, they are not by the same author.

I was in Elementary School when we found it at the library one day, and it was my mother’s favorite book of all time.  I still remember my mother reading it to me and how she made me laugh, and I would love to get it for her.  I just can’t find this book.

I am 42 now and it was 1982-989 time frame that it was in the library.  If you can find this, it would be a welcome surprise for my mother.  Thank you for your time on this.

3 thoughts on “333U: A Three Star Bear or The Three Star Bear, maybe even Three Star Bear

  1. Heather Brinkerhoff

    Yes. I had this book, and remember it. It really is, ‘I’m terrific’, the title named above.


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