320O: Animals’ Body Parts Switcheroo

Have fun with this one. I'm taking a shot in the dark here that anyone knows what I am talking about, because my mother doesn't. It is a children's book from as late as probably 1982. Guessing possibly around 1975-1980? Literally all I can remember is an image of animals with switched body parts. Not sure how many animals or how many different body parts were switched. Could have been only 2 animals. Different heads for sure. One might have been short with the head of a taller one and vice versa. They might have been barn animals. And something about one of them getting stuck under a fence. Because he was too fat maybe? Like a chain link fence. And that's it. A flash of a memory of one page of a book that, if I can figure it out, is for sure my first identifiable memory.

2 thoughts on “320O: Animals’ Body Parts Switcheroo

  1. Jen the Librarian

    Could it be a mix and match book? I remember this one: ANIMAL MIX AND MATCH by Caryl Koelling, 1980. It also had mix and match text to create silly stories.

    But being too fat to get under the fence reminds me of PENTUNIA’S CHRISTMAS by Roger Duvoisin. Petunia, In an elaborate scheme to free her gander love, paints herself to scare the farmer’s wife. It is a striking image. I think Charles is to fat to fit under or over the fence to make his escape.
    -Jen the Librarian

  2. Chris

    This might possibly be “What Kind of Bird is That?” by Mirra Ginsburg, based on a Russian story, it was a Weekly Reader book copyright 1973.

    Story: Goose is jealous and starts trading his parts with other birds: his neck for a swan’s neck; the peacock’s tail; crow’s wings; etc. When he can’t fly away from a fox he gets tangled in the reeds (not a fence).


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