307V: Two beings in one

Fantasy novel with very stylized surreal/dark artwork – I am looking for a fantasy novel, which I believe may be a two book series, that stands out for having had an artist create particularly striking artwork for the story. Some might consider them a bit disturbing/surreal – heavy linework. The only clue I have on the story itself would be I believe the villain is actually two people (beings?) in one.


2 thoughts on “307V: Two beings in one

  1. Marisa

    Possibly Neal Shusterman’s ‘Scorpion Shards’ (1995), ‘Thief of Souls’ (1999), and ‘Shattered Sky’ (2002)? I only ever read the first two and it was a long time ago, but I believe there’s a villain in the second volume matching this description.

  2. Denny Lien

    Long shot, but possibly Clive Barker’s ABARAT? Heavily illustrated with surreal/dark art (by Barker himself). Villain is sort of “two beings in one” per Wikipedia description:

    “His nightmares take physical shape as serpentine creatures residing in a fishbowl-like tank surrounding his neck and the lower half of his face. Tubes attached to his skull allow the nightmares free passage from his mind to the bluish fluid which fills this tank. These nightmares are used to punish and torture others, and seem to respond intelligently to his commands”

    Another character (not a villain) is John Mischief, whose six brothers share his one body in the form of tiny heads sprouting from his own. And so on. . .

    Three books published to date; the first two in 2002 and 2004.


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