296R: Possibly Jesus?

A picture book about a girl who finds a bear in a garden surrounded by roses/thorns. She makes him a cloak (out of thorns maybe?) and it turns out to be a test and the bear turns into man (possibly Jesus? I was in grade 2 at a religious school)

1 thought on “296R: Possibly Jesus?

  1. Kirsten Donaldson Wheal

    It sounds like a version of the fairy tale “Snow White and Rose Red” (not to be confused with the Seven Dwarves story, which is different). I would guess there have been a lot of different versions over the years. The bear/man is a prince who is under an enchantment, and Snow White and Rose Red are two sisters who help to disenchant him. I remember feeling it was a bit feeble that he suddenly acquired a brother on the last page of the version I knew (a Ladybird book) to marry the other sister.

    Patricia Wrede has written a novel-length YA version which is wonderful, but I’m sure not the one you’re looking for.


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