287G: Horse in Forest of Silver Trees

My daughter (now age 20), has been searching for years to find a book she loved to check out from her elementary school library in first grade +/-.  She has re-searched the library many times, spoken to teachers, friends and has had no luck.  I remember her bringing it home, so I know it isn’t a figment of her imagination.

What she remembers:

— Picture book of a horse in a forest of silver trees, limited (if any) text

— Illustrations in black ink/watercolor style

— Limited color palette, black, white, gold and maybe silver

— Possibly part of a series/pack of picture books

— Horse is main character on some kind of quest or adventure, with many crystals in the forest, possibly gold

— Special lake in the forest, perhaps also a cave

— Likely blue hard cover, she thinks larger than 8.5×11

— Likely an “older” book, I’m guessing from 1960s or even older


8 thoughts on “287G: Horse in Forest of Silver Trees

    1. L. Robins

      “Little White Horse” is still in print, and is one of my and my younger daughter’s favorites. However, it doesn’t seem to me to be the answer here, because: 1. There are a few illustrations in some of the editions I am aware of, but it’s definitely not a “picture book,” 2. The “horse” of the title is an important character but definitely not a protagonist let alone on some kind of quest or adventure, and 3. The book is (sadly) not part of a series.

      OTOH, as another poster pointed out, you could go the the link in the previous reply and check.

      1. Don

        I’m the original poster and nope, still not it. Thanks for all the effort, though. It is definitely a picture book, with little or no text.


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