284D: Alternate outcomes become alternate worlds

In the world of this book, every time something happens, like a war, both outcomes come true. A new world is created with the alternate outcome. So there are many earths. The one that this one takes place on is not ours. In this Earth, America is called Atlantis.

The children survive the shipwreck because the boy is a witch and the sister hangs onto him. But you don’t find that out till the end. You think – because she says so – that she is the witch and she saved him.

He is left-handed, which where they came from is punished but where they have arrived at, is celebrated as it is a sign of being a witch. That’s all I remember….

I probably read it in the late seventies, possibly early 80’s. I was probably around 12 – it was a middle-year chapter book. It was really good.

I hope it sounds familiar to someone! Thanks for your help!

6 thoughts on “284D: Alternate outcomes become alternate worlds

  1. sue

    Charmed Life by Diana Wynne Jones.
    “Everybody says that Gwendolyn Chant is a gifted witch with astonishing powers, so it suits her enormously when she is taken to live in Chrestomanci Castle. Her brother Eric (better known as Cat) is not so keen, for he has no talent for magic at all.
    However, life with the great enchanter is not what either of them expects and sparks begin to fly!”

  2. Amanda

    This sounds like Charmed Life by Diana Wynne Jones, part of her Chrestomanci series. Eric “Cat” Chant and his sister Gwendolyn go.to live with The Chrestomanci, who a 9-life enchanter. One is a 9-life enchanter when all the other selves in the other related worlds all died at birth.

  3. Tracy

    Definitely Charmed Life by Diana Wynne Jones! Eric “Cat” Chant and his sister Gwendolyn are orphaned in the boat wreck that you describe. Eric thinks that he survived because he grabbed hold of Gwendolyn when the boat was wrecked, but as you said, that’s not the real reason. He doesn’t realize at first that he actually has nine lives because there are no other duplicates of him in any of the alternate universes, as Amanda said, too. I also remember the part about him writing with his right hand because past teachers urged him to do so, but he’s really left-handed, and he finally gets a teacher who recognizes it and tells him to use his left hand. This book is part of a series.


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