256G: Girl has to make new friends after school friends are mean

This is an elementary age paperback I read in the 1970’s. It is about a girl who had friends in school but they turned against her. She had to find new friends, and she made many different kinds of friends, like adult friends, that she never before paid attention to until she had to make new ones.

7 thoughts on “256G: Girl has to make new friends after school friends are mean

  1. celeste

    Mrs. Fish, Ape, and Me, the Dump Queen by Norma Fox Mazer
    A friendless girl, teased mercilessly at school because her uncle manages the town dump, finds a friend in Mrs. Fish, the school custodian, and gradually life becomes more bearable.

    Stray by Lynn Hall
    The only child in a town of adults, a lonely little girl makes friends with a stray dog.

    River Girl by Jacquelyn Berrill
    Although there are few children her age in the small town where she lives, a ten-year-old girl is not lonely because of her adult friends, eighteen cats, and a pony.

    The New Friend by Charlotte Zolotow
    A child reminisces about her old dear friend who now has a different friend, and though she is bereft, plans to find a new friend herself.

    Blubber by Judy Blume
    The bullying turns on the bulkier

  2. Mary Wernke/skippercollector

    My suggestions:
    Best Friend, by Shirley Simon, 1964
    Claudia, by Barbara Wallace, 1969
    Ellen and the Gang, Frieda Friedman, 1963
    Gertrude Kloppenberg (Private), 1970
    The Janitor’s Girl, by Frieda Friedman, 1956

  3. Kristen

    I would like to add The Popular Girls Club by Phyllis Krasilovsky to the list. My copy is not a paperback and the girl doesn’t make any adult friends that I recall, but her regular school friends desert her and she has to make new friends. Seems to be a common theme with these books in the 70s.

  4. denise

    I believe it IS Best Friend by Shriley Simon. I am going to purchase it. Thanks for solving this mystery. I remember jenny, Dot, Edythe. Some things are a little different but I will post back if it is the one!

  5. denise

    I was able to find a detailed review of the book Best Friend by SHirley Simon, and it is the book. Thank you so much. This mystery is solved.


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