248D: A God Named One

I read a book many years ago, I’m assuming it’s a piece of fine grocery store literature. My memory follows:

A book set in the future, where there are many religions and people proselytizing in the streets. The main “bad guy” is the leader of a church that was created by a corporation. The part that sticks with me is they used a computer to write the bible, filled with contradictions and vagaries because that way people can interpret as they wish. The bible pages were coated in a mild hallucinogenic and another chemical (I don’t remember). As the book progresses the main character ends up being turned into the Satan to the god named one, while the leader of the corporation becomes the “Jesus” character.

One line I remember is “The computer found a 3 character name to be the most powerful, and the computer recommended either One or Bob” The main character then says “So your god could have been named Bob?”.

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