244B: War of the Ants

Children’s fiction, middle grade from the 1950’s. It concerned a war between black ants (the good guys) and grey ants (the enemy). All I can remember is that the main character (a black ant) painted himself grey, perhaps in order to rescue someone.

6 thoughts on “244B: War of the Ants

  1. celeste

    Could this be Through the Ant Hill by Amelia Brookes? Here’s the review from Kirkus:

    I started this with a bias against nature study metamorphosed into a fairy tale, but as I read, I found myself fascinated by the adventures of Peter in the kingdom of the ants, where his human mentality helped the instinct-controlled ants to defeat their enemies, the red ants. He saw all phases of life in the ant hill and the story makes it all seem very real, so that any child would have a different feeling about the industrious little creatures hereafter. The publishers have made a beautiful book, with good format, and attractive illustrations, eight in full color, and numerous black and whites.

  2. Donna Wise

    The City Under the Back Steps by Evelyn Sibley Lampman maybe. I don’t remember an ant disguising himself but there were definitely anthropomorphic ants and there was a war between two colors of ants in which they had to rescue the eggs from the nursery. However, the main characters were two children who shrunk to the size of ants after the boy was bitten by the queen.

  3. Graham

    Thanks for your suggestions, but I don’t think humans were involved at all in the story I am thinking of.
    The only other thing I remember is that it starts off with a conversation between the main character (a black ant) and a red ant (who is neutral). This conversation is interrupted by a general alarm sounded at the black ant citadel.

  4. Sharon

    This ( from Graham ) is the closest description yet of a book I read in the 50s or possibly 60s which I have been trying to trace to get a copy for my grandson. It was a terrific story. About the only thing I remember is that the ants called their home the Citadel. I have no idea of the title or author so if someone else does I would be grateful for the information.

  5. James

    I recall this book and have been looking for it myself, The black ant painted himself grey and I remember he applied two coats to his feet as this would be most likely to fade first. Also remember the elderly and rather fusty ant named Sir Twitterlegs who proved himself a still doughty fighter when the grey ants attacked.

  6. Bri

    Having a difficult time getting my comment to go through, it appears, but this book is “Ants’ Castle” by Elleston Trevor, from 1949. The main character/hero ant who becomes a spy against the grey ants is named Nimble Tom.


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