239B: Mirror World (Solved)

I am trying to remember a book that I read in elementary school in the mid to late 80s. I don’t remember the title but it was about being trapped inside another world inside a mirror and anytime they showed mirrors they used holographic stickers. I remember it being a large picture book with great (Victorian style?) artwork.

4 thoughts on “239B: Mirror World (Solved)

  1. Susan Reagel

    This is Mirrorstone, written by Michael Palin, and illustrated by the amazing Alan Lee, who later became famous for his work on the Lord of the Rings films.

  2. Kirsten Donaldson Wheal

    Oh, my goodness! I remember my friend’s cool big brother had it in the mid-eighties and I coveted it so badly. I’ve always remembered the boy who could hold his breath underwater for a long time, and that’s why he was the one who was chosen for the quest.

  3. Pascale Nyby

    YES! I went through my parents basement looking for this book for my daughter and couldn’t remember what it was called!!


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