237B: Companion Novels from the 80s: The Victim’s Perspective, The Bully’s Perspective (Solved)

In the early 90s or late 80s, I remember reading two novels for kids. They were both about a boy being bullied. One was from the perspective of the victim and one from the perspective of the bully. I can’t find them anywhere. The only other detail I can remember is that some of the bullying took place in the neighborhood. It’s a fuzzy memory and maybe I dreamed it. Maybe it was only a chapter or two in the same book even. I was sure it was Blume or Cleary but I searched their books and couldn’t find anything like this. I do know that Wonder has a new companion novel from the perspective of the bully but this is clearly different. Thanks!

5 thoughts on “237B: Companion Novels from the 80s: The Victim’s Perspective, The Bully’s Perspective (Solved)

  1. Amanda

    There were a couple of books written by Mary Stoltz called “A Dog on Barkham Street” and “The Bully of Barkham Street” that might be what you are looking for. The first is about the bullied boy, and the second is about the bully.

  2. Mama Squirrel

    Two ideas: The Bully of Barkham Street and A Dog on Barkham Street; and Marilyn Sachs’ books including Veronica Ganz, Peter and Veronica.

  3. Susan Reagel

    These are The Bully of Barkham Street and The Dog Of Barkham Street, by Mary Stoltz. I suspect you’ll get a lot of answers to this one; they are real classics!

  4. John

    Yes!!!!!!! This was my question and it’s been answered. I’ve been looking for these for years and couldn’t find them. Thank you, thank you, thank you! What a wonderful thing to wake up to. 🙂


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