222A: girl who moved to New York City in the summer (Solved)

I’ve been trying forever to remember a book that I read when I was young. I think I was 10-13. Mid-80s. There was a girl who moved to New York City in the summer. Because she had no friends yet (I think), she spent a lot of time exploring the city by herself. She rode the bus by herself and she went to the movies by herself. She was really into fashion and talked a lot about the outfits she was putting together every day. I think that there was a department store that she loved and maybe fantasized about buying something there? I think she did a lot of window shopping.

I don’t remember her interacting with any other characters, so I have no idea what the plot was. I just remember thinking that it was so cool that she was getting around the city by herself, and that she was so fashionable.

5 thoughts on “222A: girl who moved to New York City in the summer (Solved)

  1. Trish

    Could this be “Daisy Summerfield’s Style” by MB Goffstein? It was written in 1975 and set in 1959. Daisy is on her way to the city to attend a fashion design school, but she dreams of being an artist, and on the train she impulsively switches suitcases with a girl she thinks looks authentic. She lives in a women’s hotel and spends the year teaching herself how to sculpt while cultivating a bohemian appearance, and she doesn’t interact with anyone except waiters and salesclerks till near the end. There’s a lot of description of her outfits and she shops a lot, though as much for art books and supplies as for clothes.

  2. Kathie Meller

    I believe this is The Rise and Fall of a Teen-Age Wacko Paperback – 1982
    by Mary. Anderson
    From Amazon: Blomingdales! Madison Avenue! Elegant clothes and dazzling fame! Laura loves it all, wants it all, and nothing will stop her. Review: I have spent the last 15 yrs or so trying to remember the title of this book. I read it over and over. All I could recall is a girl being alone in NYC and a big floppy hat and Woody Allen. It’s one of those books that when I think of being young i remember. It’s great.


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