220E: Lady Dragon Transforms into Princess (Solved)

This was a children’s illistrated book about a lady dragon who was in love with a knight but all he tried to do was vanquish her. She went to the wizard who made a potion (a raspberry fizz maybe?) that turned her into a human princess. I think there was a bit about how her scales turned into a carriage but I could very well be wrong. She met her prince but it turned out he was kinda lame and boastful and not what she imagined. However, it turned out that HE was actually a dragon too who was turned into a human and he was much better as a dragon so the wizard made the potion again and they all lived happily ever after as dragons. I think the last illustration was them drinking fizzy soda together through straws out of the same glass.

4 thoughts on “220E: Lady Dragon Transforms into Princess (Solved)

  1. Giselle

    First of all, you may enjoy the series by Patricia Wrede that starts with Dealing with Dragons. Most excellent.

    Other books you might try are Dragon’s Keep and the fairy tale books by Mercedes Lackey, particularly One Good Knight (although to start the series properly read The Fairy Godmother first).

    I hope you find it!!

  2. AK

    I was just looking for this book too, and after tons of research I remembered that it was about a “lovesick dragon.” I searched those words and got the answer by looking at google images. It’s “Winnie the Lovesick Dragon,” by Mercer Mayer, 1986. I saw one copy on ebay in Australia. My brother and I loved this book when we were kids. Such a good one.


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