218C: novelette about a tribe of proto-human nomads

I’m looking for a 60’s era American elementary school level (age range estimate: 7 – 12) hard back novelette about a tribe of proto-human nomads that were still using trees for both transport and dwelling.

I don’t recall much else, except that we follow a young male tribe member as he grows, learns, and takes on responsibilities.

Fuzzy memory suggests the young male’s name is the title of the book.
Something like Aab, Aag,Oog, Oob…maybe.

Ancient memory suggests that it was a good read, so I imagine you’ll have little difficulty finding it.

5 thoughts on “218C: novelette about a tribe of proto-human nomads

  1. Kelly W

    Possibly Zilpha Keatley Snyder’s Green Sky Trilogy: Below the Root, And All Between, Until the Celebration?

  2. Melanthe Alexian

    It’s not Below the Root or the other Green-sky books. The people in those books do live in trees though, but are descendants of emigrants from earth’s future, with their civilizations on a far-away world.


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