217G: 3-year-old tiger; duck with duck-head umbrella (Solved)

I was born in 1947 and probably owned this story book (illustrated with line drawings) when I was 4–6 years old. My memory is fuzzy, but here goes! One story, more or less in verse, was about a 3-year-old tiger who “lumbered along and lumbered along,” searching for 3-day-old meat. (He eventually found that 3-day-old meat was too old to eat.) Another story was about a mother who took her son clothes shopping and bought him 3 of everything: 3 shirts, 3 belts, 3 pairs of shoes, etc. A third story was about a duck who had a umbrella with a duck-head handle. I believe there was also a story about a stray cat who eventually found a home; the story possibly involved bottles of milk outside the door of a house.

4 thoughts on “217G: 3-year-old tiger; duck with duck-head umbrella (Solved)

  1. Mama Squirrel

    It is the Read-to-me Storybook, publishec by the Child Study Association, and the tiger story is by Margaret Wise Brown. An excerpt:
    THE TERRRRIBLE TIGERRR Margaret Wise Brown Once there was a Tiger,
    Grrrrrrrrr, and he was four years old. Grrrrrrrrrrr. And he never ate … “Run along,
    little bug.” Then he lumbered along to look for his dinner, his four-year-old dinner.
    Page 99
    And he lumbered along to look for his dinner, his four-year-old dinner. Pretty
    soon he met a wild monkey. “How old are you, little Monkey monk monk? I’m a
    hungrrry tigerrr And could eat a hunk Of nice and juicy Monkey monk monk.” But
    the …
    Page 101
    And the terrrrible tigerrr lumbered along to look for his dinner, his four-year-old-
    dinner. He lumbered along and he lumbered along and he lumbered along and
    he lumbered along. And he sang a tiger’s hungry song. “I’m a hungrrry tigerrr, I
    am, …

  2. Susan Reagel

    Margaret Wise Brown (of Goodnight Moon fame) wrote a story called the Terrrrible Tigerrr about a 4-year-old Tiger who would only eat things that were four years old: “Once there was a Tiger, Grrrrrrrrr, and he was four years old. Grrrrrrrrrrr. And he never ate anything unless it was four years old. He ate four-year-old bugs and four-year-old chickens and four-year-old monkeys and four-year-old apples….”. It was collected in the ‘Read to Me Storybook’ published by the Child Study Association of America in 1947. It was also collected in the Language Experience Reading Program, 1970. I’m not sure if those are your collection, but it might be a good place to start.


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