209B: Telepathic Spelling Bee contestant (Solved)

Brother and little sister with male friend try to save a neighborhood park slated for demolition by entering little sister into a series of spelling bee contests for the prize money. Sister can read the minds of the boys while the boys look up the spelling of each word in the dictionary during the spelling bee while it is her turn to spell. Don’t know what ending is because the school year ended and library closed while librarian was reading the book to our class. Please help!

2 thoughts on “209B: Telepathic Spelling Bee contestant (Solved)

    1. Cathy Tolnay

      OMG! You did it! I have been looking for this book and it’s title for 37 years!!!! Thank you so very much! I can’t wait to read it to my own class of 5th graders!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!


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