190B: Schizophrenic Teen

I’m looking for a book that was probably from the mid to late-1970s. It was about a high school girl, and I believe she was schizophrenic. There was a pond involved, and at one point she had her face down in the pond and was only saved when her older brother’s friend saw her and intervened. It was probably a Scholastic Books offering.

9 thoughts on “190B: Schizophrenic Teen

  1. Kristen

    I’m not really sure about this because I don’t remember the part about her falling in the pond, but check out The Language of Goldfish by Zibby O’Neal.

  2. Mary

    Thanks for the suggestions. I’m afraid that The Language of Goldfish and Pebble in Newcomb’s Pond were published too late to be what I’m looking for. I most likely read the book I’m thinking of sometime between 1975 and 1978, but no later than that. And while I read Lisa Bright and Dark, that wasn’t it, either. I appreciate the responses, though!

  3. Helen

    It wasn’t the one where she’s from Scotland, and her cousin’s family emigrated to Canada/ the U.S., was it? At the end, she’s about to drown herself, because she’s miserable and his ghost is calling to her. Then she realises that he’d committed suicide, and tells his ghost he’s wicked to try to call her to him. If it’s that one, I have it somewhere at my folks’ place and can look up the name. I think it was a Newbery award winner.

  4. Ann

    I don’t remember a pond, but two books from the right sort of time that feature a teenage girl with schizophrenia or similar condition are Joanne Greenberg’s ‘I Never Promised You a Rose Garden’ (1964) and Nancy Garden’s ‘The Loners’ (1972)


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