169D: Modern Fantasy Adventures with a character named Broccoli

I remember a children’s (possibly young adult) modern-set fantasy series about two boys who adventure together. The books were embossed, and each one has a major antagonist’s face on the front (which was the embossing), usually a monster. I remember a werewolf and a zombie (each on a different book). The narration was from the 1st person, and he lived next door to a boy who was named something like Brock Lee. He called him Broccoli for most of the series. The main character had a Game Boy that had mystical powers, and could open doors…supposedly even the gates of Hell. He was also revealed to be The Chronicler, which is basically the Narrator of the Universe, unbeknownst to him. Broccoli was the Key, which gave him an ever-expanding suite of powers, largely mystical. In one book the main character sold his soul to a demon, and found a loophole out of it. I believe in the later books they meet an adventuring group of kids who were investigating a vaguely Lovecraftian monster of some sort. I know the series was at least 4-5 books long. Thank you for reading my ramblings; I’ve been looking for this series for over a decade!

2 thoughts on “169D: Modern Fantasy Adventures with a character named Broccoli

  1. Susan Reagel

    I think this is a series by Don Whittington. Some of the titles are: Vampire Mom, Werewolf Tonight, Spookhouse, Dark Charm, Freak Show, Zombie Queen, and Ghost Ship. They were mostly published in 1995 – 6

  2. Meg

    Yeah, I love these books! Their stories and characters were well written for a kids book. It’s by Don Whittington, the main books were Werewolf Tonight, Vampire Mom, Spook House, Zombie Queen, Freak Show and Ghost Ship. I’ve been trying to find them all myself. Good luck.


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