165C: Three little kittens jumping in pie with juice squirting out

The book I am searching for is a book my mother has looked for for years. She remembered it from her childhood so it would have been a book from the 30′s. It was a 3 little kittens book- possibly oversized and longer across the top than the length of the binding. The pictures she remembered were one of the cats in the snow with a lighted house in the background (maybe at night?) and picture of them playing with yarn balls, a picture of the kittens stepping in pie with juice squirting out, and picture that showed the kittens with just the legs of the adults showing. Since there are so many scores of books about the three little kittens, it may be hard to find, but I would like to surprise her with it if I could! She is 81 years old.


1 thought on “165C: Three little kittens jumping in pie with juice squirting out

  1. Amy

    have you looked at the Fern Bisel Peat version? I didn’t see any images that match your descriptions exactly, but it’s one of the few that seem to include snow, which is odd for a book featuring mittens. Good luck!


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