160H: boy who discovers he has a gift to read minds

I am looking for a 7th grade level book, published before 1987.  The story is about a boy who discovers he has a gift to read minds.  He confides in his sister about this gift as they were laying in a field, and uses his gift to help his family escape a dangerous man stalking them at their house.

If you would like more detail about the scenes of this book, happy to go into more detail.


1 thought on “160H: boy who discovers he has a gift to read minds

  1. Kelly W

    This could be one of Wilanne Belden’s Mind series– Mind-Hold, Mind-Find or Mind-Call. Each of the first books is about siblings who discover one of them has psychic abilities, and they end up on the run. In the last one, the kids come together and fight a threatening enemy (who is somehow related to one of the other characters.)

    I never can remember which one is which, but I think it’s Mind-Call that fits best.


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