157J: Sister Regina and quinine on an island?

Young adult book published from 1950 to mid 70’s; there are sisters and I think one of the sisters is named Regina and quinine is used in the book as a treatment or prevention of something.  It may have taken place on an island but that part I’m not sure about.


5 thoughts on “157J: Sister Regina and quinine on an island?

  1. Ann Dowker

    Possibly Natalie Savage Carlson’s ‘The Half Sisters’? One of the sisters is certainly Regina. It isn’t set on an island; but the same author wrote ‘Jean Claude’s Island’ – is it possible that you are amalgamating the two books?

  2. kelly w

    Maybe Baby Island, by Carol Ryrie Brink? I think at one point, the younger sister, Jean, uses quinine as a cure…I think on the pet monkey. I believe one of the babies is named Regina, or something similar. The older sister is Mary…Lou? Mary-Ann? Mary-something.

  3. Donna Wise

    I don’t believe this is Baby Island. I just re-read it and there is no use of quinine and there is no character named Regina.

  4. Chanda

    Just to clarify the type of “sister” you are looking for: Are you looking for a book about a nun named Sister Regina, or about sisters (siblings) one of whom is named Regina?

    Because quinine is used to treat malaria, it sounds like you might be looking for a book about nuns treating malaria in some tropical region? Possibly they were running a hospital or working as missionaries?

  5. Cheryl

    I’m looking for siblings, not nuns, and one of them was named Regina. I don’t remember if the quinine was being used to malaria. I’ve wracked my brains to come up with more identifying info and I just can’t think of any.


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