157H: Girl awakes with stuffy nose, cant smell breakfast.

Book of short stories (not fairy tales-more like stories with a lesson) with illustrations. presumably hard cover and 8.5×10 (although I suspect I was missing part of the book along with the cover) From the clothing worn in the illustrations, which were few but what I remember most-The book was probably from the 50’s-60’s-The earliest I would have read it would have been around 1979. The stories would be to my extremely fuzzy memory, no longer than 2 pages or so. The ones I remember are as follows: There is an illustration of a mother (very June Cleaver-esque) downstairs in the kitchen cooking breakfast while the smell of presumably bacon can be seen wafting upstairs to a bedroom where 2 girls (early teens) are awaking. I think the girl in the 2nd bed is a friend sleeping over. the 1st girl awakes to smell breakfast cooking but the friend doesn’t. The friend has awaken ill. The story touches on her senses and the mom explains that because she has a cold-her sense of smell is gone. Next story shows an illustration of a younger boy who has fallen and skinned his knee or arm, maybe off of a bicycle..he is crying and and an older brother comes to help him I don’t remember the point of the story but I remember the illustrator drew bags under his eyes to signify the distress from his crying and it looked extremely odd to me, even as a child I thought it odd. also I think he may have been missing some front teeth (due to his age, not the fall). Another story is a father and son at a camping ground or walking in the woods, one of them has a plaid jacket on. I think it is fall. They happen upon a camp fire that was not properly put out or they are about to leave their own campfire (dont recall) but the story is basically the dad telling the boy the dangers of not putting out campfires properly. The last one I remember is an illustration of 2 little girls with short bob cuts,almost identical but one is blonde one is brunette walking in unison in the rain. each one has on a raincoat, rain boots, and umbrella one is all red, the other is all yellow. I think they meet a 3rd girl along the way. She may have not had any friends but she looks like them also. She may have on all blue or green but dressed as the other girls are..this story is about friendship..the illustration reminds me of the morton salt girl X3. I’m pretty sure this story was near the end of the book or possibly the last story. for some reason, these are the only ones I remember reading over and over again..but surely there were more in the book. I’ve longed for this book for so many years!!! Please help!


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