196G: “Esso Jolly Dollars” – Solved

I’m looking for a humorous novel printed in the 1950s or 1960s that featured a middle-aged male protagonist who was obsessed with visiting Esso (gas) stations to collect “Jolly Dollars”, which were some sort of prize given out when purchasing gas.

3 thoughts on “196G: “Esso Jolly Dollars” – Solved

  1. Mary R Kiang

    The book you are looking for sounds like THE GOOD LIFE (a novel by Douglass Wallop).

    It was published in 1968 and later made into a short-lived TV show starring Larry Hagman.
    The main character takes a job as a butler for a wealthy man who has the main character drive him around to gas stations, so he can collect the Jolly Dollars.
    It’s a fun read. I own a copy and read it every few years, so recognized your description.
    Hope that helps!

  2. Andrew Lueder

    Hello Mary, thank you so much!!! If it has Jolly Dollars, then this must be the book. I read it as a young child so had no memory of the title/author. You have made my day!!!


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