184D: Man wins hand of King’s daughter with help from friends

Hello! I am reaching out to you in hopes you can help me locate a book I have been searching for for years. It’s about a quest nonetheless! 🙂 I do not know the title, I do not know the author. I remember it was a large hardbound book, the kind they used to make in the 70’s, that kind of story book. It was about a man who wanted to win the hand of the kings daughter, so he set up wild tasks for him to accomplish, and he did, with the help of his friends. One could run so fast he set things aflame, one could turn himself into a pig and eat and eat. One task was to get a golden egg maybe? I remember him climbing a mountain and trying to get into a nest that was far out of reach.
The pictures were amazing! When I think back, they remind me of Hildebrant type, like the old hobbit,very fantasy, very detailed. The man had a whole group of friends with him who could do amazing things that helped him pass his tasks. They did it without the king knowing how he did it.


2 thoughts on “184D: Man wins hand of King’s daughter with help from friends

  1. Jen the Librarian

    You may be loking for THE KING WITH SIX FRIENDS by Jay Williams, illustrated by Imero Gobbato, 1968. Or else THE FOOL OF THE WORLD AND THE FLYING SHIP by Arthur Ransome, illustrated by Uri Shulevitz, 1968.


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