161A: Snowman delivers flavored snow-cones around the world (solved)

I am trying to locate a book for a friend of mine. He is not sure when it was actually published, but remembers reading it the early 60’s as a child. The snowman could fly, and he delivered flavored snow-cones to kids all over the world. The illustrations were typical for a lot of children’s books from that era – soft watercolor or gouache – and the snowman closely resembled contemporary “Frosty” snowman characters we see today – top hat, cherry/carrot nose, coal eyes, etc. He thinks it could be a Little Golden Book, but he has not found any evidence of that yet.

My friend is a cancer patient and this would make him really happy!


4 thoughts on “161A: Snowman delivers flavored snow-cones around the world (solved)

  1. Rob Richardson

    Try The Littlest Snowman by Charles Tazewell (who also wrote The Littlest Angel). It’s a Wonder Book from around 1958 and was illustrated by George de Santis. I don’t think the snowman actually delivers snowcones, but there’s an illustration of him on the cover flying through the air and holding some. I haven’t seen this book for a long time, but I think he has a red candy heart. He’s at a party and the temperature starts rising and he begins to melt. He gets medical attention in a hospital-like area built of ice blocks. When he recovers his cold-weather friends are gone and he’s very thin. The weatherman is upset because there’s no snow. So the snowman gorges himself on different colored snowcones, climbs to the top of a Christmas tree, and lets the wind blow the colored and flavored snow all over. Somehow he’s also OK in the end himself. Or something like that. Hope this is the book!

  2. Megan

    Oh my goodness! I have been wondering for years what that book ones. I just did a google search for “snowman book snow cones” and found this! Wow. I hope I can find a used copy. Thanks so much!


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